Creative Art Direction
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Milka - Hold the Door

Milka - Hold The Door

‘Hold the Door’, aims to remind viewers that putting a little tenderness out into the world can result in getting a whole lot of tenderness back in return.
The 60-second film shares the idea that a little tenderness can go a long way. Holding the door open for someone is a universal act of kindness that creates a moment of tenderness and familiarity between strangers.
And usually it’s a gesture of politeness that costs nothing. But what if it did? What if this selfless act could result in losing something you really, really wanted? Something delicious, like a bar of creamy milk chocolate. This is the conundrum that our young hero faces in Milka’s latest Lilaberg-based film.


Creative Directors - Daniel Schaefer, Szymon Rose; Edouard Olhagaray, Sebastien Partika

Copywriter - Brooke Barker & Christopher Cryer

Art Director - Teresa Montenegro